Seaway and Octopus as a study tools for ship motions

  • Mihaela-Greti Manea Ovidius University of Constanta
Keywords: ship motions, computer simulation, wave energy and RAO spectre, containership.


The engineers are interested in the theoretical and practical ways by which, in the activity of design, construction and operation of the ship, the complications generated by the sea waves can be overcome. The paper presents some examples regarding the possibilities of computer-assisted study of characteristics that define the behaviour of the ship under navigational conditions (linear and angular amplitudes of movements, energy spectre of response to different positions of the ship in relation to the incident waves). The study, carried out for a container vessel, took into account the different operating speeds of the ship and rudder angles. There were used features offered by two tools for modelling and simulation - OCTOPUS and SEAWAY - software that allows the study of the computerized behaviour of the ship on the waves in the real navigational conditions. The program library was used for both the ship and navigation environment (modelled using Jonswap energy spectrum).


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How to Cite
Manea M-G. Seaway and Octopus as a study tools for ship motions. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 26Nov.2019 [cited 13Mar.2025];42:65-2. Available from: