Study regarding the influence of ship hull forms on the propeller design for a container ship

  • Victor Marian Cocris “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
  • Mihaela Amorăriței “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: portcontainer,propulsion performances, propeller design, propeller clearance


The paper presents the results of the second stage of a study regarding the ship hull forms influence on the propulsive performances for an imposed capacity containership. In the first stage, starting from the dimensions and the forms of a given containership, other ten ship hulls have been generated and the hydrodynamic ships’ resistance have been com-puted. In the second stage, for two of the generated ship hull forms having the lowest re-sistance, the propellers have been designed, encountering problems with the placement of the optimal propeller in the after end of the ship. This focused the present study on the changing the dimensions and shapes of the aft end for these two ships, in an attempt to ensure the installation of a propeller with an optimal diameter from propulsive efficiency point of view, as large is possible.


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[1].Cocris, V.,M., Amoraritei, M., “Ship Resistance Performances Assesment for a containership’’,The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Fascicle XI, 2021, pp 31-38 .
[2].Dragomir, D.,“Ships Shapes Album’’, Du-narea de Jos University Foundation Publishing House, 2014
[3].Warsilla Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology
[4].ITTC – Recommended Procedures and Guidelines - Testing and Extrapolation Methods, Propulsion, Performance, Predicting Powering Margins
How to Cite
Cocris V, Amorăriței M. Study regarding the influence of ship hull forms on the propeller design for a container ship. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 3Dec.2022 [cited 19Feb.2025];45:99-06. Available from:

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