Development of the method of peanuts detoxification and improvement of its digestion
Heat treatment, namely hydrothermal treatment, followed by roasting was chosen in order to reduce the content of toxicants and antinutritional substances. Rational duration of hydrothermal processing is the temperature of 100º C at which the content of oxalic acid and its salts is reduced by 67.2...76.0%, and copper salts – by 28.8...38.0%, duration of 30...40 min being chosen. The duration for peanut kernels roasting (t = 120º C) was determined by the change of its color. It was determined that rational colour-parametric characteristics of peanut kernels (dominant wavelength 581.3 - 582.5 nm, color purity 35.9 - 36.0%, brightness 37.1 - 38.1%) are achieved during roasting for 30 - 35 min. The digestibility of peanut protein increased by 20 mg of tyrosine per 1 g of protein indicating the improvement of enzymatic hydrolysis of protein.