Effect of potato (Solanum tuberosum) addition on dough properties, sensory qualities and resistant starch content of bread

  • Maria Lidia Iancu Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Food Industry and Environmental Protection - Department of Agricultural Science and Food Industry
Keywords: dough rheology, potato bread, sensory evaluation, in vitro digestion, resistant starch


The aim of this study is to assess the effects of adding different varieties of boiled potatoes-pasta (PP), Impala (I) and Orchestra (O), to wheat flour in bread making. These potato varieties were used to replace wholemeal 1250 type flour (F1) and hard wheat semolina flour (F2) in different concentrations: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%. The rheological properties of dough with added potato were assessed by means of the flour-graphic technique. The study also determined the amount of resistant starch (RS), non-resistant starch (n-RS), total starch (TS) and moisture content of the potato bread. The results showed that the water absorption (WA) in the potato dough containing salt and yeast decreased by 28.8% (F2-I-PP), and by 41.2% (F1-I-PP) respectively. The same happened with the dough development time, dough stability and quality number. We found out that the degree of dough softening was increased, as was the moisture content of the bread, which went from 47.7% (O-PP-F2) to 50.3% (I-PP-F1). The level of the ten analyzed sensory properties led to the conclusion that, by adding up to 20% PP, we enhance the bread quality. The RS content increased by 5.1 g/100 g d.m. for F1 bread for the 30% (O-PP-F2) potato content batch. In F2 bread, the RS content increased by up to 5.11g/100 g d.m. for the 30% (O-PP-F2) potato content batch. Given the method of analysis, RS may be a mixture of RS2 (natural granule starch) and RS3 (retrograde or non crystalline retrograde). Therefore, potato bread is very healthy and recommended for its nutritional benefits.

How to Cite
Iancu, Maria Lidia. 2015. “Effect of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Addition on Dough Properties, Sensory Qualities and Resistant Starch Content of Bread”. The Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI - Food Technology 39 (1), 93-108. https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/food/article/view/1564.

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