Overview of sodium nitrite as a multifunctional meat-curing ingredient

  • Maricica Stoica Cross-Border Faculty, Dunarea de Jos University Galati


Sodium nitrite is a meat-curing ingredient responsible for developing and fixing the sensory product attributes, also having a strong antimicrobial activity. However, it is associated with nitrosamine formation. Therefore, there is consumer demand for low-nitrite or nitrite-free meat products. In order to develop these products it is essential to understand the complex functions of sodium nitrite in meat-curing. This review summarizes the positive effects of nitrite in meatcuring, and points out that sodium nitrite is involved in the formation of nitrosamines, on the other hand. Several data from recent reports on the potential alternatives to nitrite replacement are also summarized.

Stoica, Maricica. 2019. Overview of Sodium Nitrite As a Multifunctional Meat-Curing Ingredient. The Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI - Food Technology 43 (1), 155-67. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.35219/foodtechnology.2019.1.12.

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