The paradox of the parti unifié within the menchum section of the CNU in the cameroon federation

  • H. Ami-Nyoh University of Bamenda
Keywords: alignment, competition, division, power, Cameroon, Cameroon National Union, Menchum, parti unifié, multi-party


Cameroon gained independence in 1960 and later reunification in 1961 as a multi-party practicing state. The different political parties in both states of East and West Cameroon maintained the traditional antagonism that existed among the various parties prior to independence and reunification of the territory. This party division was interpreted by the nation’s leadership as detrimental to national integration and unity. Consequently, the need for a one party system that would guarantee such a union and fulfill the “greater political desires” of Cameroonians (national unity and integration) emerged. The need to attain this was expressed in the call for and putting in place of a one party system which was styled parti unifié and named the Cameroon National Union (CNU). This paper argues that the existing inter and intra party fragments that existed in multi-party Cameroon, with particular reference to Menchum Section, were inherited by the parti unifié and consequently national unity and integration remained threatened. It asserts that the existence of intra as well as inter party differences in the multi-party setting were rather an opportunity for the country’s leadership to ensure a one party dominance in Cameroon and that for this reason the developmental propaganda of the party was not attained to an appreciable extent (at least in the Menchum Section of the party).


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How to Cite
Ami-Nyoh, H. (2016). The paradox of the parti unifié within the menchum section of the CNU in the cameroon federation. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 15, 137-153.