A Look at the Concerns Surrounding the Provisions of the 1923 Constitution
After the Great Union, one of the concerns of the enlarged Romanian State was that of establishing a new Fundamental Law that would lay proper foundations for the country. The elite felt there were threats to be avoided or resolved, a fact that strongly determined the way in which many issues were discussed. In the complex socio-political context, a Constitutional Dilemma emerged. The end result was that the 1923 Constitution generally implemented the Liberals’ view on Romania’s future. The opposition remained consistent in layering options, even if they didn’t counter the principles per se but rather the means through which some of them were imposed, including the manner of adoption for the Act itself. However, their main interest went towards the State’s administrative system. By looking at the 1923 Constitution as well as other preliminary proposals and parliamentary discussions on the matter, we will try to determine conflicting or otherwise affined views on the way Romania was going to be organised as a State and its nation built after the war.