Gheorghe I.I.C Brătianu and Romania`s Foreign Policy between 1936 and 1950

  • Alexandru Marin “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Gh. I. Brătianu, Romania, foreign policy, Ion Antonescu


The main foreign politics views of Gheorghe I.I.C. Brătianu and the Giorgist Party were based on the right-wing orientation of the European parties. As such, scale politics is led against the Soviets and towards Hitler`s Germany. His politics came from family tradition, from the patriotism he felt towards king and country, and also from the alarming signals of the Bolshevik threat. In the August 1940 Crown Council, Gheorghe Brătianu expresses himself for armed battle against Soviet occupation and the preservation of Greater Romania. Brătianu saw the Antonescu Government as a chance for collaboration between Ion Antonescu and the historic parties in order to save the country. He is not a part of the Antonescu Government, but he offers his best collaborator, Mihai Antonescu, a giorgist liberal and also a main creator of the Giorgist Party`s foreign politics. The politics of fighting on the side of Hitler`s Germany ultimately led to the end of the war, with Romania ultimately on the side of the Allies. M. Antonescu and his collaborators suffered after the instauration of the socialist regime in Romania. Being considered a traitor and an exponent of the fascist regime, Gheorghe Brătianu is removed from his professorship, put into forced residence, has his fortune seized and is imprisoned without trial. After 3 years of detention, horrible torture and inhuman treatment, he is killed in Sighet prison in 1953.


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How to Cite
Marin, A. (2017). Gheorghe I.I.C Brătianu and Romania`s Foreign Policy between 1936 and 1950. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 16, 149-159.