Famous Drugstores in Galați
Based on memoirs and archival documents, this article presents the history of two famous drugstores from Galati, namely „Ținc” and „Aburel”.
Based on memoirs and archival documents, this article presents the history of two famous drugstores from Galati, namely „Ținc” and „Aburel”.
Editorial adress:
Department of History, Philosophy, Sociology and International Relations;
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology; “Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Domneasca Street, 111, Galati, 800008, Romania
E-mail: istorie.galati@gmail.com
Analele Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Seria 19: ISTORIE
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35219/history
ISSN: 1583-7181 (print); 2344-472X (online)