Documente privind istoria universală şi istoria României din patrimoniul Bibliotecii „V. A. Urechia” Galați, donate de academicianul V. A. Urechia

  • Grigore Ioana Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: documents, V.A. Urechia Library, Galați, old books, maps, prints


The article consists of the general bibliography of documents referring to world and Romanian history, as well as books donated by V. A. Urechia to the Public Library of Galați, which bears his name today. The article is structured into 8 sections, Documents that are in the inventory of the Library and that concern world and Romanian history; Old foreign books (dating between 1472 and 1700); Old Romanian books; foreign books (dating from 1790 to 1900); Manuscripts; Maps; Photographs; Old Prints. The sources that have been used for compiling this bibliography are the Catalogue of Manuscripts and Letters, the Catalogue of Prints and Paintings, the General Book, Manuscript and Map Catalogue, the Catalogue of Old Romanian Books in the patrimony of V.A. Urechia Library, the Old Books list and the Library’s Electronic Catalogue.


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How to Cite
Ioana, G. (2015). Documente privind istoria universală şi istoria României din patrimoniul Bibliotecii „V. A. Urechia” Galați, donate de academicianul V. A. Urechia. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 14, 141-202.