Paradisul terestru şi raiul ceresc în mitologia românească

  • IVANOVICI Daniela-Luminița Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca
Keywords: garden, cosmology, earthly paradise, cosmic tree, rainbow`s path, Milky Way


This paper analyses the various depictions of heaven in Romanian mythology. I have divided my article in three section. The first contains a short terminological dissection of the ancient Greek and Roman usage of the term “paradise”; the main theme of the second section is the earthly paradise, its creation and appearance. This mundane paradise was opened to all, the people came for advices to the two demiurges, “Fârtatul” and “Nefârtatul”. But after the rising of the “Nefârtat” against the “Fârtat”, the Paradise was taken from earth and placed in the ninth heaven. This heaven was closed to humans, and entrance was only permitted to the good souls. The depiction of this heaven is the main topic of the third section.


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How to Cite
Daniela-Luminița, I. (2020). Paradisul terestru şi raiul ceresc în mitologia românească. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 18, 147-154.