Tentative de emigrare a populaţiei din judeţul Ismail în Extremul Orient în anii 1893-1895/Emigration of the People from Ismail County to the Far East in the Years 1893-1895

  • Viorel BOLDUMA Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat ”Ion Creangă” din Chișinău
Keywords: Bessarabia, Russian Empire, Amur, Priamur, Ussuriysk, Cahul, Ismail, Bolgrad, reform, legislation, emigration, peasants, land


In this article, based on archive materials and published works, the author analyzes attempts to emigration of the population from the Ismail county in the Amur/Priamur region, in the years 1893-1895. The main cause of population emigration is to be identified in the demographic processes that took place in the province in the first half century, in the policy of colonization and denationalization promoted by the Russian imperial administration, in the consequences of the agrarian reform of 1868, frequent droughts, epidemics and raising taxes. The imperial authorities practically did not stand in the way of granting permission for the emigration of the population. The main condition was to comply with the circulars and regulations issued, according to which emigration was allowed.


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How to Cite
BOLDUMA, V. (2021). Tentative de emigrare a populaţiei din judeţul Ismail în Extremul Orient în anii 1893-1895/Emigration of the People from Ismail County to the Far East in the Years 1893-1895. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 19, 79-91. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.35219/history.2020.05