Social Policy of the Armed Forces of Cameroon

  • Virginie Wanyaka Bonguen Université de Yaoundé I
Keywords: Army, Social Policy, Evolution, Cooperation, Partnership, humanitarian


The armed forces, this great body of the state, not only an orientation towards the battle. Besides its traditional missions, it has an orientation towards the economic and social development of the nation. The social work of the Cameroonian armed forces were hurt during the troubled times in which she played a key role in helping families of military operation or being on the battlefield. The study we undertook was designed to show that the army, contrary to an outdated perception can use its knowledge in partnership with other administrations and to contribute towards improving the social conditions of people through education and evolutionary track of families.


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Author Biography

Virginie Wanyaka Bonguen, Université de Yaoundé I

Département d’Histoire Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun.

How to Cite
Bonguen, V. W. (2012). Social Policy of the Armed Forces of Cameroon. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 11, 237-250.