Interview with the Priest Alexandru Capotă (1919-2012)
The Eastern-Orthodox priest Alexandru Capotă (born on January 27th, 1919 in Cudalbi, Galaţi County; deceased during the month of April, 2012), had been a towering figure among the ancient political prisoners of Galaţi County. He was arrested by the Communist regime in January 1957 and had been detained until 1962 in the labor camps of the Danube-Black Sea Canal and the Danube Delta: Grindu, Periprava, 9 Culmea. After 1989, he was involved in the political organization of the ancient political prisoners, and during the years 2001-2004 he acted as the President of the Romanian Federation of the ancient political prisoners and anti-communist fighters.
These pages constitute a part of a comprehensive interview given by the priest Capotă, referring to the period of his arrest, his detention, and the events
experienced after his released from jail. The interview includes precious informations about the day to day life in the Communist labor camps, the personalities encountered by the priest Capotă in the Communist prisons, and the manner in which the Communist regime dealt with the Christian priests.