Contributions to the History of the Sanitary System in the County of Tecuci (1829-1850)

  • Doru Parascan Secondary school “Umbraresti“ of Galati
Keywords: sanitary system, Tecuci county, history of medicine, hospitals, Costache Conachi, doctor Kernbach


In this paper, the author analyses the evolution of the sanitary system in the county of Tecuci during the years 1829-1850. It covers the establishment of a campaign hospital in the town of Tecuci, for the use of the troops fighting in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, the activity of the first doctors during the ensuing Russian occupation and the arrival of the first pharmacist in the county capital. In the same time, the paper details the efforts of several boyars, Costache Conachi among them, to hire a doctor for the mentioned urban settlement. Costachi intended to establish hospitals in the county of Tecuci, both in the town itself and in the rural areas, at Ţigăneşti and Nămoloasa. The arrival in Tecuci of doctor Kernbach, remarkable personality of the Jewish community from Botoşani, is the result of Conachi’s efforts. The same boyar also determined another doctor, Flaişlein (future primary doctor of the city of Iaşi), and a pharmacist to serve the villagers of the county.

Author Biography

Doru Parascan, Secondary school “Umbraresti“ of Galati

Teacher, secondary school of Galati district

How to Cite
Parascan, D. (2010). Contributions to the History of the Sanitary System in the County of Tecuci (1829-1850). The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX, History, 9, 63-71. Retrieved from

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