Considerations on the Origin of the Briquetage Vessels

  • Ovidiu Cotoi “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: briquetage, Cucuteni, Cucuteni C pottery, salty springs, trades, exchanges


The paper aims at proving that the briquetage vessels found in the inventory of some Cucuteni sites, near the salty springs in the Sub- Carpathian region of Moldavia, should be related to the presence of the steppe population, bearers of the Cucuteni C pottery. The argumentation is based on the analysis of the archeological contexts from Solca-Slatina Mare, Lunca-Poiana Slatinii, Cacica, Ţolici-Hălăbutoaia sites where the fragments of briquetage vessels always appear in association with the Cucuteni C pottery present in big quantities. This conclusion calls for new explanations and details regarding the relationships between the Cucuteni population and the shepherds in the north of the Black-Sea steppes.


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How to Cite
Cotoi, O. (2009). Considerations on the Origin of the Briquetage Vessels. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 8, 7-16.