The Function of “Gift” in the Thracian Society

  • Isabela Miron “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: gift, exchange, Thracian society, social hierarchy


Starting from Marcel Mauss’ statement according to which he believes the gift to be „a complete social phenomenon” with economic, social, political, judicial, religious and domestic implications, this article proposes an analysis of this phenomenon in the Thracian world, based on two ancient texts dealing with this topic and on the comparison with other archaic societies. I concluded that „the gift” can be considered the elementary mechanism at the basis of the organisation of archaic societies, in general, and of the Thracian society, in particular. As such, it functions as a means of establishing the social hierarchy, of concluding alliances, of pacifying rivalries and it is based on the exchange of gifts in a constant struggle for power because, despite seemingly having a willing and gratuitous character, these gift exchanges were, in fact, purely compulsory and conditioned.


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How to Cite
Miron, I. (2009). The Function of “Gift” in the Thracian Society. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 8, 17-23.