The Fundamentals of the Harmonized and Dynamic Diplomacy: the Case of the Economic Cooperation between France and Cameroon, 1916-1960

  • Norbert Aime Melingui Ayissi “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: diplomacy, economic cooperation, France, Cameroon


The hereby article presents the privileged relations France had with Cameroon since 1916, following a British and French condominium that lasted until the end of the colonization in 1960. In fact, under different political instruments connected with Cameroon, France knew how to perpetuate a wide range of historical diplomatic relations. These particular relations, rapidly changing from one context to another, made proof of the extent the cooperation reached in its dynamics. Time after time, Cameroon changed status from territory under mandate to trust territory. The cooperation extends beyond the state, local collectivities or companies. Having a strong economic and social component, the cooperation creates favorable premises for the parties. However, the advantages, whatever they might embody, cannot be even for both countries.


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How to Cite
Melingui Ayissi, N. A. (2009). The Fundamentals of the Harmonized and Dynamic Diplomacy: the Case of the Economic Cooperation between France and Cameroon, 1916-1960. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 8, 194-212.