A Buddhist text from the IVth century. ASANGA – the discrimination between middle and extremes (MADHYᾹNTAVIBHᾹGA) (An Annotated Romanian Translation). I – Section I

  • Ovidiu Nedu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: emptiness, fulfilled own-being, construction of that which was not, interdependent own-being, affliction, constructed own-being


Abstract: The Discrimination between Middle and Extremes is one of the major Mahāyāna Buddhist texts, usually ascribed to the Vijñānavāda tradition, but having the particularity that the passing from the Prajñāpāramitā tradition to the classical Vijñānavāda can be easily traced within the text. The first of the five chapters of the book deals with metaphysical matters. It exposes the theory of the three levels of reality (the ultimate reality – parinipanna svabhāva, the conditional emanation – paratantra svabhāva and the illusory conceptual level – parikalpita svabhāva), featuring each of these levels as a particular condition of consciousness. In its second part, the text aproaches one of the classical issues in Indian metaphysics, namely the way it is possible to defend the absolutely pure and blissful character of the ultimate reality in face of the threat represented by its association with the worldly defilements. The solution found by the Vijñānavāda authors ascribes only an accidental character (āgantuka) to the defilements, while the purity is said to be essential (svābhāvika). Several verses delineate the features of the ultimate reality, thus linking the text to the Prajñāpāramitā tradition.


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How to Cite
Nedu, O. (2009). A Buddhist text from the IVth century. ASANGA – the discrimination between middle and extremes (MADHYᾹNTAVIBHᾹGA) (An Annotated Romanian Translation). I – Section I. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 8, 263-282. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.35219/history.2009.13