Consideraţii privind importanţa unei litoteci arheologice în cercetarea microregională a artefactelor litice. studiu de caz: descoperirile neo-eneolitice din depresiunea Neamţ-Topoliţa

The Importance of an Archaeological Lithotec in the Micro-Regional Research of Lithic Artifacts. Case Study: The Neo-Eneolithic Discoveries from the Neamţ-Topoliţa Depression

  • Traian Anton Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava
Keywords: Neolithic, Eneolithic, lithic tools, archeological lithotecs, Neamț-Topolița Depression


In-depth knowledge of the sources of supply of lithic and nonlithic raw materials, used in Neolithic and Eneolithic sites, represents one of the important challenges of archaeological, archaeometric, geological research, in a continuous multi- and interdisciplinary approach. In this sense, for the multilateral investigation of Neolithic and Eneolithic lithic tools, the establishment and operationalization of microzonal and regional archaeological lithothecs is essential.
In the present work, the author presents a brief history of archaeological lithothecs and their current status worldwide and the Romanian experience in this field. In order to achieve an applied treatment, it shows what were the concerns related to the petroarchaeological research on the Neolithic and Eneolithic lithic artifacts discovered in the Neamt subcarpathian depressions and pleads for the necessity and importance of creating a microzonal archaeological lithotheque (Cracău-Bistrița and Neamț-Topolița Depression), focusing - and the approach to the last geographical subunit, as a necessary condition for making real steps forward in this complex field.


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How to Cite
Anton, T. (2023). Consideraţii privind importanţa unei litoteci arheologice în cercetarea microregională a artefactelor litice. studiu de caz: descoperirile neo-eneolitice din depresiunea Neamţ-Topoliţa. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 21, 5-27.