The Middle Prut Depression. Preliminary Data on new Archaeological Field Surveys

  • Dumitru-Ionuţ Stigleţ Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava
  • Victor Iulian Maftei Muzeul Cetății Neamțului
Keywords: archaeological research, microregion, human communities, interdisciplinary research, Middle Prut Depression, Late Bronze Age period


The archaeological field survey within micro-zonal units may bring a relevant set of information for remodelling the inhabited spaces of the prehistorical period.
Presently, due to interdisciplinary research, we can access several working tools able to provide data on the presence of human communities in various territories. By joining these research methods, our purpose is to present in the following lines the methodological approach leading to the identification of these unpublished sites in the southwest of the Middle Prut Depression, a microregion extending in the northeast of Romania, in the northwest of the Republic of Moldova and the southwest of Ukraine.
According to the preliminary data obtained from the investigation of the archaeological material sampled, we attributed these unpublished archaeological sites to the late period of the Bronze Age, the Noua Culture (1600-1200 BCE).
The archaeological field survey is ongoing; thus, it will keep generating new data, to be presented gradually by the authors.


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How to Cite
Stigleţ, D.-I., & Maftei, V. (2023). The Middle Prut Depression. Preliminary Data on new Archaeological Field Surveys. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 21, 29-48.