The role of oral history in urban studies of the late Stalin period (on the example of the Izmail region of the Ukrainian SSR)
The article purposes are firstly to reveal the scientific potential of oral sources in urban studies of the late Stalin period; secondly to analyze the scientific potential of oral sources collected and published before; thirdly to investigate the features of oral sources of the Izmail region on our own collected materials. The scientific novelty is presented: firstly by analyzing degree of using oral sources in history studies of the region; secondly the oral archives of the Izmail region, as well as published oral sources were studied; thirdly features of oral sources of the Izmail region on our own material have been characterized. The conclusions. Oral sources are widely used by Ukrainian historians to study different aspects of the Izmail region history, such as famine and everyday life. The informative potential of oral sources had been collected before is significant, especially of the archive of the Center for Oral History of the Izmail State University of Humanities. However, the number of published transcripts is still insufficient. Having conducted our research, we can follow some features of oral sources of the Izmail region: 1) the elderly age of the respondents; 2) unwillingness to make contact and fear of the interviewer; 3) important, but not the determining factor in the quality of the interview is the respondent level of education; 4) use of predominantly Russian language; 5) a significant predominance of women in this age group.