Grupul de la Samarina: istoria unor patrioţi aromâni

  • Silviu B. Moldovan Centrul de Istorie și Civilizație Europeană al Academiei Române – Filiala Iași
Keywords: Aromanians, Samarina Group, communism, Alcibiade Diamandi, Sterie Pișpiricu


During the Second World War, the leaders of the Aromanian population in the Balkans intensified their efforts to affirm their national identity and create an Aromanian state. After 1944, some of the Aromanian patriots took refuge in  Romania and came to the attention of the new communist authorities. The study reconstructs, based on unpublished documents, the way in  which the Romanian authorities pursued, arrested, investigated and sentenced these Aromanians whom the governments before 1944 supported.


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How to Cite
Moldovan, S. (2024). Grupul de la Samarina: istoria unor patrioţi aromâni. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 22, 181-195.