The Fate of the Roman Settlements in Dacia after A.D. 271 (Restitutio)

  • Nicolae Gostar „Alexandru Iona Cuza” University of Iasi
Keywords: Dacia, Claudius II Gothicus, Sarmizegetusa, Aurelian


This article represents the text of a paper presented by my Meister, the late Professor Gostar – historian of Antiquity, classical philologist, epigraphist and archaeologist – at the University of Jassy, in January 1975. His untimely and unhappy end in 1978 has made impossible the revision and the publication of the text by Professor Gostar himself. I must say that in January 1975 this paper provoked rumour and many debates. Most of his colleagues believed his thesis seemed to be too ‘Roeslerian’. I received this text from the Professor's family in 1993, and I tried to publish it in a scientific journal, but I failed, for reasons that are still unknown to me. Although my friend and colleague, Professor Victor Spinei, finally published it in a cultural journal, I believe the author's ideas and research methods deserve to be known by historians, too.


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How to Cite
Gostar, N. (2007). The Fate of the Roman Settlements in Dacia after A.D. 271 (Restitutio). The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 6, 17-25.