The Features of the Spiritual-Moral Development of the Old-Believers from Bessarabia

  • I. F. Kucheryavenko
Keywords: situation of the starover, old traditions, old churches, old religious


This research is dedicated to the situation of the starover (old-believers) communities and their spiritual centers in Bessarabia. Throughout this work great attention is paid to the place of the church in the life of these communities. An important part is played by the description of the representatives of young starovers and their attitudes towards religion. Nowadays, great attention is paid to religion as a means of moral-ethical education. Thus, the study of the old cultural-spiritual traditions of starover reveals a great treasure of vital wisdom which hasn’t been looked into. Even the name - starover - speaks about preserving old traditions. The difficult task is for the contemporaries to accomplish - to find answers to the spiritual queries of time - under the conditions of postmodernist culture. The experience of starover is the experience of the search for the maintenance of the claim of veritable belief. In that behalf, modern epoch must simply know him and do by its inlying experience.


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How to Cite
Kucheryavenko, I. (2007). The Features of the Spiritual-Moral Development of the Old-Believers from Bessarabia. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 6, 257-265.