Causes of the End of the Eneolithic in the Area of the West-Pontic Coast. The Settlement From the Island of “La Ostrov”, on Lake Taşaul (Năvodari, Constanţa County)

  • Valentina Voinea “Museum of National History and Archeology“ of Constanta
Keywords: eneolithic, archaeological, natural catastrophes, funerary discoveries


The progress that we have seen during the last decades in the sphere of the inter-disciplinary theory has left its mark on the archaeological investigation and interpretation methods too. It is not surprising that the theme of natural catastrophes, narrated metaphorically since ancient times, returns to the attention of researchers, after being considered, for a long period of time, a naïve interpretation of a fantastic literature. In this context, the causes that determined the end of the ancient Gumelnita civilization appear to us much more complex than it was initially thought, and the hypothesis of the violent penetration of some north-Pontic tribes is still contested today.

How to Cite
Voinea, V. (2006). Causes of the End of the Eneolithic in the Area of the West-Pontic Coast. The Settlement From the Island of “La Ostrov”, on Lake Taşaul (Năvodari, Constanţa County). The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX, History, 5, 7-19. Retrieved from

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