The Nobility of the Bessarabian Gubernia: Territorial, Historical-legal and Social Peculiarities of Its Formation (the First Part of the 19th Century)

  • L. F. Tsiganenko State University of the Liberal Arts of Ismail
Keywords: Bessarabian Gubernia, Development of Bessarabia, nobility’s land-ownership


The necessity of a complex and politically unprejudiced investigation of the history of the Bessarabian nobility is dictated by the peculiarities of the present period in the development of the home historical science and defined with the tendencies of reformation of the Ukrainian society. The elements of structural formation, the main outlines, conditions and the circumstances of development of Bessarabia, the peculiarities of its placing, numbers, business, cultural-educational and public activities are investigated. In this paper The policy of the tsar’s power concerning the Bessarabian nobility, the process of integration of the Moldovian boyars in the Russian aristocracy are also analysed. The basic points are the legislative registration of the nobility as an elite group in a definite regional society, the formation and development of its corporative institutions, the evolution of the nobility’s land-ownership, taking part in the leadership of the country in different degrees of the government structures, the creation of a corporative organization, taking into consideration the specific characters of the concrete-historical conditions of the development of Bessarabia.


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How to Cite
Tsiganenko, L. (2006). The Nobility of the Bessarabian Gubernia: Territorial, Historical-legal and Social Peculiarities of Its Formation (the First Part of the 19th Century). The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 5, 111-120.