Dimitrie Marmeliuc's Activity for National Unity

  • Constantin Stan “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Dimitrie Marmeliuc, Great Unification


The present study is dedicated to the historical experience of the Bukovinean personalities during the Great Unification, that occurred in 1918. Professor Dimitrie Marmeliuc was a member of the Rumanian National Committee in Bukovina. After the national unification, D. Marmeliuc militated for the consolidation of unified Romania. Activating in the political life together with Ion Nistor, he was one of the founders of the Democratic Party of Unification in Bukovina. As a Professor at the University of Cernău-i, D. Marmeliuc carried out a sustained scientific and didactic activity. At the same time, D. Marmeliuc was involved in an intense journalistic activity, pleading for the cause of national unity. The author enlisted as a volunteer and participated in the fierce battle of Mărăsesti, in the summer of 1917. Dimitrie Marmeliuc had close relations with the Professor and writer Ion Grămadă, a hero of World War I.


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How to Cite
Stan, C. (2005). Dimitrie Marmeliuc’s Activity for National Unity. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 4, 127-150. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.35219/history.2005.04