The Warrior God, or God, the Divine Warrior

  • Leonard Greenspoon Creighton University of Nebraska
Keywords: image of God, divine warrior, Hebrew Bible


In the year 31 B.C. the land of Judea experienced a natural phenomenon with which residents of California are all too familiar-an earthquake. It was of enormous severity, "such as had not been seen before", according to the first-century Jewish historian Josephus, to whom we are indebted for this account (Antiquities 15.108-160). Approximately 30,000 people were killed, not to mention the lost of countless head of cattle. At this very time Herod was engaged in a series of battles against Nabataean Arabs, who had temporarily gained the upper hand and then gone so far as to slay Herod's envoys sent to negotiate terms for peace.


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Author Biography

Leonard Greenspoon, Creighton University of Nebraska

Senior Professor at Creighton University, Nebraska, USA

How to Cite
Greenspoon, L. (2004). The Warrior God, or God, the Divine Warrior. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 3, 189-210.