Alexander's Perception in the Romanian Culture

  • Vasile Lica “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: romanian culture, Fürstenspiegel, hospodars, boyars


The fascinating personality of the great Macedonian penetrated long ago and in various ways in the Romanian culture. Firstly, by means of Alexandria, the popular book known from Ireland to the Java Islands, then, at a scientific level, by means of Miron Costin and C. Cantacuzino’s works, authors familiar with the Greek-Latin literary tradition on Alexander. Romanian hospodars and boyars bore his name, others – like Michael the Brave, as Iorga pointed out, or his diadochs and epigons – imitated him, as Caesar or Trajan did in their times. The author has tried, following other historians’ contributions, to bring more light to the diverse ways in which the image of the King was perceived: Fürstenspiegel, historical and political argument, literary motif etc., without leaving aside the great monarch’s reflection into the modern Romanian textbooks and historiography.


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How to Cite
Lica, V. (2002). Alexander’s Perception in the Romanian Culture. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX: History, 1, 119-141.