The ”Lexic comun/ lexic specializat // General Lexicon / Specialized Lexicon // Lexique commun / lexique spécialisé” magazine is the XXIVth Fascicle of the Annals of the "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati. Consistent with the study of the common and specialized lexicon, this periodical magazine responds to the interest of linguists for the word as the fundamental unit of the language. Initiated in 2008 by conf. univ. dr. Doina Marta Bejan, prof. dr. Virginia Lucatelli and asist. univ. dr. Oana Magdalena Cenac from the Research Center for Theory and Practice of the Speech from the Faculty of Letters, the magazine aims to draw attention to the importance of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the language lexicon at a time when the destiny of the languages depends on their ability to express and think of reality in rapid change. The publication of the magazine was supported by the other teachers in the mentioned research center, who found in this publication a way to make known the results of the scientific research in the field of lexical analysis from various contemporary languages and a possibility to get in touch with colleagues with the same type of concerns from abroad. Subsequently, through the reorganization of the departments, the journal appears in the Intercultural Communication and Literature Research Center at the Faculty of Letters at the University "Dunarea de Jos" in Galati. As the title of the publication shows, in three languages, the magazine contains in its pages articles written in Romanian, in English, in French and occasionally in Spanish, in Italian or in German. With a annually periodicity of issues since 2008, the journal published in 2008, 2009 the acts of the International Conference with the same name - Common Lexic / Specialized Lexic - and from 2010, by the interest manifested by the Romanian and foreign collaborators for the lexical analysis debates, was able to publish, alongside conference papers, independent, thematic numbers. In the editions organized so far, the topics proposed for the discussion by the organizers concerned the following issues: The movement of the lexicon specialized in the common lexicon, Dictionaries, Terminology and terminologies, Neology and linguistic policies, The diachronic dimension in the study of the common and the specialized lexicon, - the stylistic, pragmatic and traductological aspects, the political lexicon - the witness of the social-political and mentality transformations in the contemporary world, the Romanian language - in time and space, manifestations of the creativity of human language, interculturality and plurilinguism in European context, culture and European identity . Latinity and Romanity, "Democratization of Knowledge" or the migration of the specialized lexicon to the common lexicon. The thematic numbers were also allowed to include lexical articles outside the proposed theme, as well as reviews of books from the linguistic domains of interest. Each issue of the magazine was published at CNCSIS / CNCS publishing houses - Galati University Press (2008), Europlus, Galati (2009-2011), European Institute, Iasi (2012-2013), Science Books House, Cluj Napoca 2014-2017), being available online in Open Access. Until now, the magazine has been indexed in databases such as EBSCO, CEEOL, MLA -, and Fabula - and is also included in the catalogs of well-known libraries in the country and abroad. In the pages of the journal sign researchers in the field of lexical research from the country and abroad. At the same time, the publication is especially open to the efforts of the young generation of Romanian or foreign researchers to assert themselves in a field of great importance for the realization of inter-human communication. We have to mention articles that, from a scientific and didactic perspective, address lexical semantics, etymology, neology, terminology, lexicography, onomastics, stylistics and lexical pragmatics, the history of culture. The journal enjoys the scientific counseling of well-known scholars from the country and abroad (academics, university professors), has a reading committee that evaluates the materials received (two evaluators, anonymous) and an editorial staff in which were co-opted colleagues who have concerns centered on studying the lexical aspects of languages taught in our faculty. The solidarity of the editorial team, the goodwill and the seriousness of the collaborators contribute to overcoming the obstacles encountered in the appearance of a magazine.