Globalizarea, bat-o vina…

  • Alexandra Cuniță Universitatea din Bucureşti
Keywords: globalization, democratization, cliché creation, plebeianization, trivialization


The present contribution has undoubtedly its origins in Romanian writers and wellknown journalists of these days who repeatedly expressed their concern for the more and more obvious phenomenon of corruption of current Romanian with respect to the literary or standard variety used in various discourse genres, in different types of texts throughout the XXth century, phenomenon which manifests itself in diverse forms. By analyzing, on the one hand, the faits de langue identified in various written and spoken discourse samples and, on the other hand, the distinctive features of the sociopolitical, economic and cultural context in which such discourse productions find their place, the author of the article reaches the conclusion ‒ with vigorous roots in researches of contemporary sociologists and philosophers ‒ that, although having direct and immediate causes of various kinds, the aforementioned corruption is explained to a great extent by the conditions created in our geographic area as well as in other corners of the world by the ambiguous ‒ but omnipotent ‒ process of globalization.

How to Cite
Cuniță, A. “Globalizarea, Bat-O Vina…”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 19, no. 1, Nov. 2018, pp. 77-93,

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