Limbajul corporatist între rigiditate, manipulare și globalizare

  • Daniela Mariana Constantin (Popa) Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Litere
Keywords: wood language, rigidity, manipulation, globalization


Over the last three decades, the current society has witnessed many changes, both politically and economically, and linguistically (especially at the lexico-semantic, phraseological and syntactic level). The „language of wood" specific to the communist regime, totalitarian, is still reflected in another form due to Anglo-American influence. In this sense, the speaker's tendency is to use borrowed words both in daily life and in professional activity. This attitude is imposed, on one hand, on objective reasons (the need to adapt linguistically to the current world, the expanding of innovations in the most diverse fields of human activity, for which the necessary loans are discussed) on the other hand, the desire to integrate and to maintain oneself in a socio-professional group with the pretense of being considered at the top of an activity. Those in a position that favors them can use this language to be motivated by a certain amount of snobbery and the desire to impress the other person by using words or expressions to which she has no access (so-called luxury loans). With the emergence of multinational organizations in Romania (corporations, groups etc.), especially anglicisms began to impress on the Romanian linguistic space, leading to the emergence of a new socio-professional language, namely corporate language, resulting from the mixture of the Romanian language with terms, phraseologies and Anglo-American grammatical constructions. The present paper presents the corporate language, emphasizing its three important aspects: the rigid, manipulative and globalizing character little approached in Romanian linguistics, but enough to be discussed in an extra-linguistic context. The whole presentation is characterized, on one hand, by rigorous structures, without the possibility of nuance, on the other hand, on the manipulator character, in two hypostases (direct and indirect) and on the globalizing character. For our demonstration, the examples were taken from corporatist terms, which we selected from online published articles, from corporative inter-institutional correspondence and from various sites.

How to Cite
Constantin (Popa), D. M. “Limbajul Corporatist între Rigiditate, Manipulare și Globalizare”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 19, no. 1, Nov. 2018, pp. 203-12,

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