Ulysse de Marsillac et sa contribution au journalisme d`information en Roumanie au XIX-e siecle
In the second half of the XIXth century, within the setting of spiritual effervescence that characterized the ongoing modernization of Romanian society that was getting synchronized to Western civilization, the Romanian press began to diversify. There appeared new publications in French that seemed to favor the development of quality information-focused journalism addressing the social elites. For the founder and editor-in-chief of the weekly „La Voix de la Roumanie” (1861-1866), the French Ulysse de Marsillac (1821-1877), the aim, explicit from the editorial in the first issue, was to be a source of “exact information” and to “claim -- for a nation that is family to us -- the place it deserves at the banquet of modern civilization”. The analysis of a representative corpus of excerpts from this newspaper will allow us to validate the hypothesis of an intercultural endeavor by this French journalist and writer in order to make the national culture and values of Romanians more visible, by evoking a geographical area with its history, as well as present experiences turned towards the future, by means of writing that has the merit of serving as a role model for a Romanian high quality kind of journalism in point of topics approached and also of style and richness of journalism vocabulary / jargon.