Aspecte ale influenţei franceze asupra lexicului limbii române

  • Daniela Dincă
  • Mihaela Popescu
Keywords: lexical borrowings, galician, semantic conservation, metasemy, socio-cultural marker


The study of the French influence on the Romanian language from a lexicographic, lexicological and semantic-pragmatic perspective is a topic of real importance in the context of European plurilingvism, given that French lexical loans are now regarded as part of the cultural heritage of humanity, but also an important element of the Romanian linguistic and cultural identity.
Based on the results obtained in two research projects devoted to this issue („Typology of French lexical loans in Romanian. Theoretical aspects, dynamic and semantic categorization‛ and „Semantic Reconfiguration of Galicianisms in the Romanian socio-cultural space‛), the present article aims to emphasize the creative character of the Romanian language that not only kept the meaning of the words borrowed from French in representative conceptual domains of the Romanian language vocabulary (clothing, furniture, gastronomy, etc.), but it has innovated, operating semantic changes (meaningful enrichments, constraints and semantic specializations, positive or negative connotations), in close correlation with the extra-linguistic factor.


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How to Cite
Dincă, D., and M. Popescu. “Aspecte Ale Influenţei Franceze Asupra Lexicului Limbii Române”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 16, Nov. 2018, pp. 152-60,