The development of social communication skills through leisure activities for autistic children

  • Iuliana Barna
Keywords: autism, leisure programs, social integration, communication


The psychomotor dimension is an optimal way of nonverbal and verbal communication in the social environment for the child with autism. It is recognised that any child coordinates his motor activity in accordance with the mental image of the perceived act. Leisure and recreation activities and also psychomotor therapy facilitates through its integrated programmes, the education of the individual, aiming at knowing one’s own body and at the identification of the self. The identification of the self under all its aspects - physical, social or moral-ethical, conscious or unconscious - is the essence of living.


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How to Cite
Barna, I. “The Development of Social Communication Skills through Leisure Activities for Autistic Children”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 16, Nov. 2018, pp. 258-62,