Abordări contemporane privind conceptele: comunicare, competență, competență de comunicare

  • Margareta Cîrligeanu
Keywords: communication, competence, pedagogical methods


Given its complexity, the human being was characterized by different formulas: homo faber (creator of tools), homo cogitans (thinker, thinker), homo Valens (creator of values). One of the instances is that of homo loquens signifying its acquisition of speaking being able to communicate with others. Language is a component of the human psychic in his becoming of paramount importance because all other psychic phenomena and drives because it makes possible the phenomenon of consciousness. We live in a society dependent on communication process that is a necessity of the existence of society, and, moreover, a condition. Trying an approach compatibility and synthesizing various definitions highlight some common characteristics of this phenomenon is possible and desirable: communication involves transmission of information existing message delivered and received by using symbols included interrelated human and mutual influence, being this as a complex process and also of great amplitude. The main directions of research addressed communication generally, particularly communication skills, aimed at training communicative behavior through various strategies of educational interaction. This leads to research what the problem is to address the
concepts of communication, competence and communication skills in the context of modern educational concept of school education reform and benchmarks theoretical and experimental training communicative competence. Among the main objectives of the research we include: determining the theoretical concepts of communication, competence and communication skills; communicative competence development model and purposes of forming communicative competence. Research methodology will include pedagogical methods (documentation, observation, comparison).

How to Cite
Cîrligeanu, M. “Abordări Contemporane Privind Conceptele: Comunicare, Competență, Competență De Comunicare”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 16, Nov. 2018, pp. 263-75, https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/lcls/article/view/1959.

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