Eros și Thanatos în romanele lui Max Blecher

  • Nicoleta Hristu (Hurmuzache) Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați
Keywords: Eros, Thanatos, psychoanalysis, principle of pleasure, principle of repetition


This article aims at valorising two major themes of Max Blecher’s prose, constructed in the novel discourse as liminal experiences of the human being and antagonist forces that annihilate themselves reciprocally. From Sigmund Freud’s perspective, Eros and Thanatos correlate with two primordial instincts of the individual that either promote and preserve life, or reduce the existential dimension of man to the inorganic stage. According to the Freudian analysis, love enounces the principle of pleasure meaning to satisfy certain pulsations and desires, and death corresponds to the destructive principle of repetition. Making a list of the types of Eros identified in Blecher’s prose (instinctive, ideal, “hygienic”, masochistic, unpredictable, platonic, conceited), one can remark the lack of finality to this existential adventure that triggers death experience, instilled both by the thought of suicide and by the countless Thanatos’ allusions inserted in the text. In
conclusion, Blecher’s Eros is described as a subtle but certain slide to death, proving the fact that any character’s attempt of fulfilment is in fact a useless struggle of the human being descended into the abyss/nothingness

How to Cite
Hristu (Hurmuzache), N. “Eros și Thanatos în Romanele Lui Max Blecher”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 16, July 2018, pp. 220-29,

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