Identitate și limbaj – abordări din perspectiva psihologiei sociale

  • Cristina - Corina Bențea Departamentul pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos din Galați


The present paper aims to present the most important contributions of social psychology in explaining of linguistic behaviours from the perspective of social processes of group apartenence. Starting from the theoretical principles of the social identity theory (Tajfel&Turner, 1986), have been annalysed the significant contributions of theeth nolinguistic identity theory (Giles, Bourhis& Taylor, 1977 )and speech accommodation theory (Giles, Mulac, Bradacand Johnson, 1987). In the conceptual frameworkof these theories the liguistic behaviours can be
transposed in terms of intergroups relations.


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