Study regarding hydraulic modeling of sediment transportation. Case study: Danube – Epuraşu branch

  • Adrian-Ștefan Zamfir ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Romania
  • Alina-Florina Nicolae ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Romania
  • Puiu Lucian Georgescu ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Romania
  • Marius Constantin Raischi ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Galati, Romania
  • Andreea Ioana Dăescu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Galati, Romania
  • Mihaela Ilie “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Galati, Romania
  • Gina Ghiță “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Galati, Romania
Keywords: sediment transport, groove, Danube riverbed, hydraulic modelling


The aim of the paper was to create a hydraulic model to simulate the erosion of the Danube riverbed and the creation and use of the model with data obtained from the field. Measurements and sampling were conducted in-situ in order to build a model as close to the actual situation in the field. The activities in the field were the following: measurements using ADCP technology, dragged sediments sampling, suspended sediments sampling, topographic measurements. Considering that a dam fitted with a groove was constructed on the Danube riverbed at the Epuraşu Branch entrance, the specific objectives of the paper consist in determining the parameters of hydrodynamic and sediment transport through numerical simulation, in the following circumstances: 1. dam with closed groove; 2. dam with open groove. In assessing morphological changes that may occur in the Epuraşu Branch, the HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling software was used. For this purpose, were provided scenarios of 14 m³/s and 37 m³/s water flows, which highlighted a small erosion phenomena.


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How to Cite
Zamfir, A.- Ștefan, Nicolae, A.-F., Georgescu, P. L., Raischi, M. C., Dăescu, A. I., Ilie, M. and Ghiță, G. (2017) “Study regarding hydraulic modeling of sediment transportation. Case study: Danube – Epuraşu branch”, Analele Universității ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula II, Matematică, fizică, mecanică teoretică / Annals of the ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 40(1), pp. 102-107. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).