Local graph cut in the Image Segmenter app for breast ultrasound images segmentation
Breast cancer is among the most common cancers diagnosed in women globally. To help the breast cancer diagnosis, an important step is to accurately segment the breast lesion. To support clinicians in this important step, we analyze the performance of a semi-automated segmentation method based on the Local Graph Cut technique in the Image Segmenter application. Local graph cuts algorithm has the ability to segment more complicated shape by converting the image into a graph representation. It employs seed points set by the user and a cost function. The user identifies certain pixels as foreground and background. The region properties are identified from these pixels and they allow to specify the probability of a pixel belonging to the background or foreground. The graph cut formulation assigns each pixel to a node in the graph and incorrectly segmented pixels are re-assigned until the desired segmentation is completed. To evaluate the segmentation results, the Dice similarity coefficient and Fréchet distance were calculated between the ground truth images and the segmented images. Results show a Dice score of 0.7754 for malignant lesions and 0.8842 for benign lesions. The average Fréchet distance values were 303.28 for malignant and 290.80 for benign lesions, respectively. The experimental results show that the method achieves the best performance and gets the higher Dice score and Fréchet distance for breast benign lesions against malignant lesions.