Researches on Obtaining Thin Films of Stainless Steel from Inoxidable Steel by Physical Vapor Deposition Magnetron Assisted

  • Simona BOICIUC "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
  • Petrică ALEXANDRU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: d.c. magnetron, electrical and optical properties, stainless steel deposition


The experimental researches carried out in this paper aimed at obtaining thin films of stainless steel and their characterization in terms of structural, optical and electrical properties. The films were made using a PVD spraying system consisting of a vacuum chamber with a capacity of 2 liters, a plane magnetron with ferrite magnets (φ40x22x9) neodymium (φ15x8), a vacuum pump with sliding blades, a DC source of 100 to 600 volts. The atmosphere used for the maintenance of plasma during deposition was rarefied argon in a pressure range of 3·10-2 - 8·10-3 mbar. The argon flow rate used was 100 cm3 /min. The support material consisted of glass plates of 76x25x1 mm dimensions and copper plates of 80x20x1 mm. It has been noticed that the properties of the deposited films are influenced by the parameters used. It has been found that when increasing the deposition time, the surface resistance and transparency decrease.



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How to Cite
BOICIUC S, ALEXANDRU P. Researches on Obtaining Thin Films of Stainless Steel from Inoxidable Steel by Physical Vapor Deposition Magnetron Assisted. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2018 [cited 13Jan.2025];41(1):5-. Available from:

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