Essence, Content and Importance of Strategic Management

  • Marioara TULPAN University of Petrosani, Romania
  • Cristina SUCIU University of Petrosani, Romania
Keywords: strategic, management, enterprises, economic


From a historical point of view, it can be said that at the level of the enterprises, especially the profitable ones, there has always been a strategic thinking even if it was a strategy lacking in formalism that did not rely on the methods of analysis and did not have a wide communication. The growing business development, the high absorption capacity of the market, the low cost of energy and the labour force, the accelerated pace of technical progress represented all the phenomena that made the need for strategies to be less prominent.

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How to Cite
TULPAN M, SUCIU C. Essence, Content and Importance of Strategic Management. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2018 [cited 23Feb.2025];41(4):66-9. Available from: