Production Process and Indicators of Production Systems

  • Cristina SUCIU University of Petroșani, Romania
  • Marioara TULPAN University of Petroșani, Romania
Keywords: production process, indicators, systems, industrial, enterprise


The concept of a production process can be defined by all the conscious actions of the employees of an enterprise, directed by different machinery, equipment or installations on raw materials, materials or other components for the purpose of their transformation into products, works or services with a certain market value. Taking into account these components, the concept of a production process can also be defined by the totality of work processes and natural processes that compete for the production of products or the execution of different works or services. The production activity is carried out through the production process, which has to be characterized both socio-economically and technically.

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How to Cite
SUCIU C, TULPAN M. Production Process and Indicators of Production Systems. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2019 [cited 23Feb.2025];42(1):48-1. Available from: