The Environment Impact of Phonic Pollution in an Area with Hydrocarbs Exploitation Activities
The paper presents the obtained results and the conclusions following the measurements regarding the noise pollution, from the analysed area of Galati. Monitoring has been made for as many factors as possible, possible causes of noise pollution, with the purpose of covering the entire area of development and the activity of oil exploitation. The determinations were made at different time intervals, for several working days, and in the end, they were compared with the regulations required by law regarding the exposure limit value for a normal day of 8 hours. Because the activity of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons requires the use of many heavy machinery, which pollute, their noise they can have a significant impact on the environment. For the analysis, several work points were monitored with the purpose of providing an overview, regarding the noise pollution, in the Independence oil exploitation area.
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[6]. ***, Hotărârea nr. 493 din 12.04.2006 privind cerinţele minime de securitate și sănătate referitoare la expunerea lucrătorilor la riscurile generate de zgomot.
[7]. ***, STAS 10009 – 88, Acustica în construcţii; Acustica urbană – limite admisibile ale nivelului de zgomot.