Characterization of Thick Hard Layers with Ni-Cr-B-Fe-Al Alloy Obtained by Laser Cladding
To increase the resistance to wear and corrosion of the surface layers made from steel with 0.45% C, multilayer deposition was tested by injection of powder with chemical composition of 8.9% Cr, 4.5% Fe, 5.1% B, 2, 4% Al, 0.6% Al; the remaining Ni, was melted in the bath with a CO2 laser in continuous wave and coupled to a mass in coordinates x-y-z. To establish the optimum deposition condition, the layers made with different laser regimes were characterized by macro-and microstructural analysis, qualitative analysis of phase with the radiation difractometry X microhardness analysis and determination of hardness on the surface of the deposited layer. Thermal stability of the laser deposited layers and their abrasive wear behavior were monitored.
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