Researches Regarding Structural Changes due to nickel Microlalloying of Hot Galvanizing Baths

  • Radu BOICIUC S.C. Uzinsider Engineering S.A. Galaţi, Romania
  • Adriana PREDA S.C. Uzinsider Engineering S.A. Galaţi, Romania
  • Simona BOICIUC "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: hot galvanizing


This work offers a synthesis of researches performed in laboratory and regards the nickel microalloying of hot galvanizing baths. Experiments followed the structural changes of both hot galvanizing bath and deposed layer with effect on layer properties.
Characterization of deposed layer and nickel microalloying of galvanizing bath performed by spectral chemical analysis, optical microscopy and X ray diffraction emphasized the structural constituents nature as well as changes shown up depending on nickel concentration of galvanizing bath. Correlation diagrams between deposed layer thickness and structural constituents were also made.
Experimental results emphasized a close interdependence between nickel concentration and microstructure. This allowed to settle the optimal nickel concentration required by galvanizing bath microalloying with maximum effect upon hot galvanizing coating properties.

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How to Cite
BOICIUC R, PREDA A, BOICIUC S. Researches Regarding Structural Changes due to nickel Microlalloying of Hot Galvanizing Baths. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2005 [cited 24Feb.2025];28(2):22-6. Available from:

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