Physico-Mechanical Characteristics of Hard Alloys Made Out of Many Carbides
The Hard alloys of type WC-TiC-Co can be used to process materials with long chips, such as steels [1].
Titanium carbide or TiC-WC solid solutions, added as alloying constituents in the compositions of WC-Co pseudo-alloys increases their corrosion resistance, hardness and refractoriness.
Moreover, the thermal conductibility of WC-TiC-Co alloys and their tendency to weld the chips is an indisputable quality in favor of the cutting process of steels and other metallic materials with long chips. The physico-mechanical characteristics of WC-TiC-Co alloys vary with the increase of titanium carbide amount.
In the factory programme of prestigious manufactures of hard alloys, made out of sintered metallic carbides, the alloys of type WC-Ti-Co have been replaced by the alloys type WC-TiC-TaC(NbC)-Co, intended to cutting process of steels. Of course, this is due to better endurance and cutting process performance. Alloys of type WCTiC-TaC-Co offer better mechanical strength and also better craking strength values. These alloys are used both in cutting long and short chip materials, due to their characteristics and forming the so called universal alloys.
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