Protection of Personal Data of Children, According to the GDPR Provisions

  • Elisabeta SLABU Dunărea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: children, protection of the rights of the child, protection of personal data, GDPR, UE


Children are full-fledged holders of rights. The Treaty on European Union sets forth the Union’s obligation to promote the protection of the rights of the child. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , EU regulations and directives, as well as the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU, have contributed to further determining the protection of the rights of children. Data subjects have the right to erasure of data, which entails the possibility of having their personal data removed or deleted upon their request, and also the right to object to the processing of their personal data. The latter has become increasingly important for children because of the massive amount of children’s personal data circulated and available through social networking. A child-friendly consent procedure would entail taking into account the child’s evolving capacities, progressively involving him or her. The first step entails a child being consulted by his/her legal representative prior to providing consent, before moving on to a parallel consent of the child and his or her legal representative, to the sole consent of the adolescent child.

How to Cite
SLABU, E. (2017). Protection of Personal Data of Children, According to the GDPR Provisions. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 10(2), 66-74. Retrieved from