ISSN (print): 2065-1759 Author Guidelines
The Journal Public Administration and Regional Studies (PARS) is a scientific journal, in the field of Administrative sciences and connected scientific fields, such as legal, social, and political studies, which supports the mission of research and teaching activities of our faculty by disseminating the results of scientific research. The main purpose is to actively integrate our academic community’s relevant scientific achievements into the national and European community of scientific journals. Edited by The Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania, the journal aims at ensuring the national, European, and international dissemination of the highest theoretical and applied scientific findings of various researchers, teachers, and other professionals in the field of Administrative sciences (and its aforementioned associated domains), from Romania and abroad.
Aim and Scope
PARS offers the opportunity to pave the way to the expansion of scientific research, by publishing the newest findings and trends in national and foreign theoretical and applied research, through an in-depth and scientific methodology-based analysis of the specificities of administrative phenomena and their context and evolution, both at a national level and regional and European level. Its impact concerns the complexity of public administration systems and activities, but also its inseparable connections with European law, public law, politics, economics, etc., viewed from the broader perspective of contemporary challenges that public administration must face. In agreement with the requirements and standard values and principles of these domains, our journal welcomes contributions pertaining to Studies, Book Reviews, Public Administration systems (models, organization, functioning, etc.), and related phenomena (reform, innovation, public service), Public and European Law, Case Studies, Articles.
PARS is a blind peer-review journal. All submitted articles in this journal undergo peer review, based on internal editor screening and at least three anonymous referees.
The articles are written in one of the two international languages: English or French.
The journal is included in research databases, namely EBSCO, CEEOL, HeinOnline and REPEC.
PARS is a blind peer-review journal. All submitted articles in this journal undergo peer review, based on internal editor screening and at least three anonymous referees.
Our Policy
In case of multiple submissions of the same authors of different articles, the editors will choose only ONE (1) accepted paper to publish per issue, according to their date of submission.
All the articles before being submitted to the peer review process are verified by the assigned editor with the Anti-Plagiarism Software, Sistem Antiplagiat.ro
The papers that do not exceed CS 1 - 50%, and CS2 - 5% of information taken from other sources are sent further for external review. For further details access Sistem Antiplagiat.ro.
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The Copyright Statement
The author fully assumes the content's originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.
There are no charges for published articles, no submission charges, and no charges based on any other supplementary data.